Set decarbonisation targets

Set science-based reduction targets for your company and entire value chain with the guidance of our carbon accounting experts.

Ambitious decarbonisation starts with target-setting

Setting decarbonisation targets is the core component of any climate or decarbonisation strategy. Setting company-wide decarbonisation targets is a rather complex step that requires gaining a deep understanding of the different decarbonisation pathways and reduction levers one can set.

Plan A helps you set science-based decarbonisation targets with the support of a team of leading carbon accounting experts.
sust journey step - targets graphic
Our solution

Set science-based targets and reach net-zero

Choose your target setting approach and understand what you would need to achieve different reduction targets in line with the ‘Science-Based Target Setting initiative (SBTi)’.
Choose your decarbonisation targets at various scales: company-wide, geography and facility-wide.
Select and manage climate actions (a.k.a. action cards) according to your needs. Visualise an estimation of the emission reductions that each action card can promote.

Why is target setting important to reach your climate goals?

Score higher on ESG reporting

Companies that do have net-zero targets scored better on emissions and disclosure criteria if they also have interim goals before 2040.

Improve brand reputation

Consumers are more aware than ever of the effects their choices have on the environment, and are more critical and unsupportive toward companies who are not taking climate action. Indeed, 79% of corporate executives surveyed by SBTi found a strengthened brand reputation to be one of the most significant business benefits experienced after publicly setting science-based targets.

Target setting drives innovation

Decarbonisation target setting encourages innovation as it allows a complete disruption of a company's operations to reduce emissions. Deloitte has analysed the relationship between sustainability and innovation and found that sustainability leaders are more than 400% more likely to be considered “innovation leaders” than their counterparts.

Increase customer loyalty

Demonstrating concrete sustainability commitments to increasingly-conscious consumers is a sure way to show your consumers that you are serious about building a sustainable future. In fact, The Capgemini Report found that 77% of consumer products and retail organisations found that sustainability leads to increases in customer loyalty.

Talent retention

Improve employee engagement, and help in the recruiting and retention of qualified employees. A Deloitte report found up to 50% reduction in turnover intention from employer's with a comprehensive sustainability strategy.
Our sustainability experts

Ready? Set targets, go!

Our sustainability experts will find the right solution for you.