Explore how CSRD can transform your business
Explore CSRD’s transformative impact in Plan A’s two-part masterclass series. Learn how to make CSRD not just a reporting obligation, but a way to revolutionise your business, prepare effectively, and engage your executive team in embracing its strategic change.
European companies now have to follow the CSRD regulations, representing 75% of all EU companies' turnover.
The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) has entered into force on the January 1, 2024 and some companies are expected to publish their first CSRD report in 2025.
The CSRD strengthens and expands upon the Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD), and introduces the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). Get ahead of the curve and ensure compliance with CSRD's mandatory requirements starting January 1, 2024. Businesses who prepare now will ultimately lead in the evolving corporate landscape.

A free programme designed to drive business transformation
Two-part masterclass series to achieve CSRD readiness
The implications of CSRD
How to educate your executive teams on the opportunity behind the CSRD
Meet our speakers

Learning highlights from the masterclass

Achieve CSRD readiness with Plan A
Read what participants had to say about previous Plan A programmes