Report on your emissions and progress

Share your progress with reports compliant to international regulations and protocol. Easily customise the reporting tool to suit your specific business and export to internal and external stakeholders.

ESG reporting is no longer a ‘nice-to-have’

Sustainability reporting and climate risk disclosure are defined by converting measured emissions or ESG questionnaire results into a communicable format that is compliant with legislations, regulations, or frameworks that companies need to report on.

Sustainability and ESG reporting are crucial steps to drive environmental action, and showcase your companys efforts in carbon accounting and ESG reporting.
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Our solution

Compliant and customisable carbon and reporting

Create automated annual emissions reports that outline your scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions and detailed graphs on how you are progressing against your net-zero goals.
Export non-financial reports adhering to international standards including NFRD/CSRD.
Access communication templates or customise your emissions reporting to speak precisely to your stakeholders interests.

Why do you need to get ESG reporting right?

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Reap the benefits of climate disclosure

Disclosure of climate risks is critical for businesses as the effects of climate change become more pronounced. Disclosures can prevent poor investment decisions, asset losses, and climate change-causing trade practices.
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Protect and improve your company’s reputation

ESG reporting is an essential way to increase companies’ legitimacy and enhance one's reputation. Build trust through transparency and respond to rising environmental concerns among the public.
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Boost your competitive advantage

Ensure that your company gains an edge when it comes to stock market performance, access to capital, and winning tenders.
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Get ahead of regulations

Disclosure is becoming mandatory and compliance to such regulations means avoiding hefty fines and reputational damage. Visit our Policy Centre to discover which ESG reporting regulations apply to your company.
Our sustainability experts

Let's make your carbon reporting easier.

Get in touch with our team

Frequently asked questions

What is an ESG reporting software?

ESG reporting softwares are digital platforms that facilitates the collection, analysis, and communication of environmental, social, and governance data, enabling organisations to meet sustainability reporting standards and improve their ESG performance.

Why use software for your company's ESG reporting?

Using ESG reporting software streamlines data management, enhances reporting accuracy, and saves time, making it easier for companies to fulfil regulatory requirements and communicate their sustainability efforts effectively.

How can businesses choose an ESG software?

Selecting ESG software requires evaluating its data integration capabilities, user interface, scalability, compliance with reporting standards, and the quality of customer support to ensure it meets your company’s specific needs.

What are the benefits of ESG reporting softwares?

ESG reporting softwares offer multiple benefits including improved data accuracy, streamlined reporting processes, better stakeholder communication, enhanced regulatory compliance, and strategic insights into sustainability performance.

Can ESG reporting software help in reducing a company’s carbon footprint?

Yes, by providing detailed analytics on environmental impact, ESG reporting software enables organisations to identify areas for carbon footprint reduction and track the effectiveness of their sustainability initiatives.