Plan A: Carbon accounting has got itself a new look

Plan A: Carbon accounting has got itself a new look

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New colours, logo and brand for the next phase of the sustainability plan.

Notice any change in our look? Yes indeed. Today we are having the best day announcing the launch of our new logo. Our profile has evolved over the last 3 years. This new design reflects who we are today and symbolises a dynamic, sustainable and circular future. One thing remains, there is no plan B for our planet. Whichever colours you sport, we’re here to support and accelerate your change.

Plan A is growing fast

In the 3 years since the Plan A adventure began, we have all gotten better and wiser at tackling climate change. Our new identity also reflects the path we believe we need to take: not just a green tech startup but a common movement. For businesses, individuals and organizations, we’re celebrating significant and meaningful change together.

Plan A exists to help other companies on their journey to sustainability. Our new identity aims to highlight not only the quality of the Plan A tools, but also reflect the philosophy they’re created in. The Carbon Manager is designed as an all-in-one software solution to understand your impact, see a clear road to reduction, and build a true culture of sustainability in your company.

What’s new?

Edgar Lugo-Vasquez, our in-house designer extraordinaire, reimagined our new visual identity: “From a technical perspective, we wanted to improve scalability and create greater continuity between our logo and the wider visual identity. We also felt that it was time to move on from the loud and analog tone of our word mark and seek to better conceptually capture Plan A as we are now and tomorrow.”

Behind this logo hides a team of passionate individuals convinced that we can limit the effect of climate change and stay below 1.5°C by the end of the century. This goal is only achievable if all the stakeholders of climate change start to take action- individually, collectively, locally, and internationally.

Three years after our creation, the business case for sustainability has become hard to question, the necessity for carbon accounting is demonstrated, and some of the largest investors have made their intent on enforcing sustainability clear. By the time we have our next logo redesign, it’s our objective that the oil peak has passed, biodiversity is flourishing again, and the private sector is leading the creation of a sustainable planet.

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