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Carbon accounting software for companies in Denmark

Plan A provides a certified carbon accounting software and the personal support of leading experts to enable Danish companies to streamline carbon accounting, align with regulations, and reach net-zero emissions

The opportunity

Gain a competitive advantage through decarbonisation

Higher return
Companies that disclose environmental data and pursue ambitious emissions reduction targets have a 67% higher ROI on investment.
Source: CDP
Investor pressure
Majority of investors say they will increase their investments in companies that prioritise sustainability over the next five years.
Source: McKinsey
Competitive advantage
Companies with science-based reduction targets outperform their peers by 5.6% in terms of shareholder returns.
Source: CDP

Calculate your emissions in line with the latest scientific standards to ensure greater accuracy

Simplify data collection across all your teams and suppliers
Calculate your emissions following the latest scientific standards for greater accuracy
Deepen the analysis of your data with customisable dashboards and charts

Drive decarbonisation with the power of science

Set science-based targets to reduce your emissions
Leverage tailored actions for an effective decarbonisation plan
Forecast future emissions and cost risks to stay on track

Receive support for every stage of your CSRD journey

Manage all your emissions for your E1 disclosures
Benefit from personalised services such as conducting a gap analysis and reporting readiness assessment
Grow your expertise through digital or personal learning opportunities

Key information on carbon accounting software in Denmark

Why should Danish companies do carbon accounting?

Danish companies should engage in carbon accounting to measure, manage, and reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions effectively, ensuring compliance with national and international climate regulations.

Carbon accounting allows Danish companies to understand their carbon footprint in detail, which is essential for setting and achieving specific GHG reduction goals. By precisely measuring emissions, these companies can pinpoint significant sources of GHGs within their operations and supply chains, facilitating the implementation of targeted mitigation strategies. This not only underscores a commitment to environmental sustainability but also boosts operational efficiency and cost savings by addressing and reducing energy waste and inefficiencies.

Furthermore, carbon accounting is becoming ever more critical as regulatory landscapes evolve, particularly in regions with strict climate policies such as the European Union. Denmark, as a member state, aligns with the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) which require comprehensive climate-related disclosures, including Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions. Ensuring compliance with these standards through effective carbon accounting practices helps Danish companies avoid legal repercussions and maintain their license to operate, while also improving their standing with regulators, investors, and consumers.

Additionally, transparent carbon accounting practices can greatly enhance stakeholder trust and the overall reputation of Danish companies. Key stakeholders – including investors, customers, and regulatory bodies – are increasingly demanding greater transparency and accountability regarding environmental impacts. Companies in Denmark that openly report their carbon footprint and actively work towards reducing their GHG emissions can distinguish themselves in the marketplace, improving their brand reputation and building stronger relationships with stakeholders. In doing so, they also prepare themselves to meet future regulatory challenges and adhere to the escalating global emphasis on sustainability.

Benefits Danish companies have to implement a carbon accounting software

Implementing carbon accounting software offers Danish companies numerous advantages in enhancing efficiency, regulatory compliance, and sustainability reporting.

Firstly, utilising carbon accounting software significantly boosts operational efficiency for Danish companies by automating the collection and analysis of emissions data. Firms can integrate data from various operational sources such as production facilities and supply chains to ensure a comprehensive and accurate carbon footprint assessment. Automation reduces the likelihood of manual errors and provides real-time insights, allowing Danish businesses to make swift and informed decisions to minimise their carbon footprint.

Secondly, carbon accounting software aids Danish companies in meeting stringent local and international regulatory requirements. Denmark has ambitious climate goals, aiming to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 70% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels. By aligning with global frameworks like the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), companies in Denmark can ensure accurate emissions reporting, comply with government mandates, and avoid potential fines, thereby enhancing their reputation for regulatory adherence and environmental responsibility.

Lastly, carbon accounting software offers powerful tools for setting and tracking sustainability targets, which is particularly valuable in Denmark's environmentally conscious market. Companies can set emission reduction goals, monitor their progress, and generate detailed reports for stakeholders, aiding in strategic planning and reinforcing transparency. Transparent and credible reporting not only boosts stakeholder trust but also provides Danish companies with a competitive edge, as sustainability is increasingly becoming a critical factor for investors and consumers in Denmark.

How does Plan A's software help Danish companies do carbon accounting?

Plan A's software aids Danish companies in carbon accounting by offering a robust platform for calculating emissions, identifying key areas of concern, setting reduction goals, and complying with regulatory demands.

In Denmark, Plan A’s platform enhances data collection processes across teams and suppliers, ensuring accuracy by adhering to the latest scientific standards specific to Danish industry practices. By merging emissions data from various sources into a secure, tailor-made dashboard, the software leverages bulk data uploads and guided templates to maintain the high quality and consistency necessary for an accurate carbon footprint analysis. This streamlined approach is particularly beneficial for Denmark's diverse industrial sectors.

The software also provides in-depth data analysis through customisable dashboards and charts, making it easier for Danish companies to spot emissions hotspots across their operations. It calculates emissions across all scopes (1, 2, and 3) as defined by the GHG Protocol, allowing businesses to identify primary emission sources and prioritise sustainability initiatives. This is crucial in Denmark, where companies are highly motivated to lead in environmental responsibility.

Additionally, Plan A’s software supports Danish companies in setting and achieving science-based decarbonisation objectives. By offering tailored actions and forecasting future emissions and cost risks, the platform helps businesses formulate effective decarbonisation strategies. This ensures that Danish companies not only remain competitive but also compliant with Denmark’s stringent environmental regulations, fostering their progress towards net-zero emissions.

Best carbon accounting software providers available in Denmark

Top carbon accounting software providers available in Denmark include Plan A, Climaider, EIVEE, Legacy, IBM's Environmental Intelligence Suite, and Salesforce's Net Zero Cloud, with Plan A positioned as a leader in the field.

Plan A: Plan A’s software provides a comprehensive platform for carbon accounting by simplifying data collection across teams and suppliers, ensuring high accuracy by adhering to the latest scientific standards. The platform consolidates emissions data into a secure, customisable dashboard, offering deep data analysis with customisable dashboards and charts to identify emissions hotspots. It supports setting and achieving science-based decarbonisation targets, helping companies develop effective decarbonisation plans and stay compliant with evolving environmental regulations.

Climaider: Climaider offers an automated carbon accounting solution that covers Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions in compliance with the GHG Protocol. The platform connects to e-conomic accounts for automated data collection, provides climate reporting for stakeholders, employees, and customers, and offers tailored reduction tips along with carbon offsetting options.

EIVEE: EIVEE delivers a comprehensive carbon accounting solution with a high level of precision, complying with CSRD and GHG Protocol standards. It includes product-level emission calculations for manufacturing companies and hotspot analyses for effective reduction strategies. EIVEE has partnered with Danske Bank to offer climate reporting services to their business customers.

Legacy: Legacy specialises in the real estate sector, providing carbon accounting software with access to data on 31 million buildings in Denmark and the UK. The platform boasts high-quality smart meter data coverage (96.5%) and ISAE3000 attestation for audit-ready calculations. It enables comparison of building performance against 27+ benchmarks and indices.

IBM's Environmental Intelligence Suite:

The IBM Environmental Intelligence Suite focuses on data management, functioning as an emissions management tool with basic climate risk analytics supported by IBM's AI capabilities. It allows organisations to monitor disruptive climate patterns and integrate carbon accounting into operational processes. The suite is particularly suited for large corporations looking for robust risk assessment and response strategies.

Salesforce's Net Zero Cloud: Net Zero Cloud by Salesforce leverages the company's expertise in automation, language support, and integration features for emissions reporting. While the platform offers valuable dashboard functionality and has established strong partnerships, it is somewhat constrained by its reliance on an existing data schema not designed specifically for accounting. Its scalability has received mixed reviews, but it remains a robust tool for emissions reporting and analysis.

How does carbon accounting software help Danish companies reduce emissions?

Carbon accounting software assists Danish companies in cutting down their emissions by providing detailed analyses, enabling focused actions, and ensuring continuous monitoring and improvement.

Firstly, this software delivers comprehensive insights into a Danish company’s emissions by meticulously measuring and analysing data across various operational facets. This deep understanding of their carbon footprint helps Danish companies pinpoint the major emission sources within their operations and supply chains. Consequently, Danish businesses can prioritise which areas need immediate attention, implement targeted reduction strategies, and allocate resources more efficiently, aiding the country’s ambitious goals to become carbon neutral by 2050.

Secondly, carbon accounting software empowers Danish companies to undertake precise actions through its advanced analytics and scenario modelling tools. These tools enable businesses to assess the potential impacts of diverse reduction initiatives, such as enhancing energy efficiency, adopting renewable energy sources, and optimising processes. By evaluating different scenarios, Danish companies can identify the most cost-effective and impactful strategies, setting and tracking progress towards emission reduction targets, in alignment with Denmark's stringent environmental regulations and climate commitments.

Finally, the software ensures continuous monitoring and improvement for Danish companies by offering real-time data and automated reporting features. This capability allows businesses in Denmark to consistently track their emissions performance, swiftly recognise deviations from their targets, and make necessary strategic adjustments. Continuous monitoring supports compliance with Denmark-specific regulatory requirements and global reporting standards, fostering transparency and accountability in emissions management. By promoting ongoing enhancement, carbon accounting software aids Danish companies in achieving long-term, sustainably reduced emissions.

A certified platform combining cutting-edge technology and the latest scientific standards

GHG Protocol compliant & TÜV Rheinland certified
Listed as Global top 5% in B Corp "Governance"
Committed to Science-based targets and The Climate Pledge
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