School Raising's goal is to intercept all those school projects that, due to the continuous cuts in institutes funds, cannot be implemented and develop, together with the schools, a crowdfunding campaign that allows us to collect the budget necessary for the realization of these projects, are they didactic or structural.

IED was founded in 2005 in Larissa, Greece with a vision to create an environment that promotes entrepreneurship, research and the entrepreneurial spirit and mindset of businesses, creating long-lasting relationships with society and the academic community.

Plan A is a German Greentech company that builds science-based digital tools for automated carbon accounting, decarbonisation, ESG management, and reporting. It has developed an AI-driven SaaS platform for businesses that collects, processes, and analyses carbon and ESG data, creates reduction and ESG improvement plans, and automates reporting in line with key regulatory frameworks.

RLN has a long history of working with and for the business community, supporting the development of new business opportunities, including recently language and culture activities both in the UK and with EU partners. RLN (UK) Ltd’s core remit is to develop and implement language, cultural and business support activities.

Mullingar Employment Action Group (MEAG) is a community-supported 'not for profit' organisation which was formed in 1986 to help tackle unemployment in the Region. Since its inception the Action Group has actively supported the creation of over 3,000 jobs through various interests, projects and initiatives.

Na Drodze Ekspresji is an NGO based in Sopot, Poland, which is mainly focusing of providing people with fewer skills and education with entrepreneurial skills.

CRN is actively involved in scientific research, teaching and cultural activities that link the realm of ideas with everyday experience. As our name indicates, we work internationally and cross-culturally. Only through thoughtful comparison can we interpret our local reality, render it more comprehensible and develop strategies to address the issues that affect our everyday lives. CRN performs research both as a partner within international consortia as within the scope of its own projects.