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Carbon accounting software for luxury fashion brands

Plan A provides a certified carbon accounting software for the fashion & apparel industry and the personal support of leading experts to enable luxury fashion brands to streamline carbon management, align with regulations, and reach net-zero emissions

The opportunity

Gain a competitive advantage through decarbonisation

Higher return
Companies that disclose environmental data and pursue ambitious emissions reduction targets have a 67% higher ROI on investment.
Source: CDP
Investor pressure
Majority of investors say they will increase their investments in companies that prioritise sustainability over the next five years.
Source: McKinsey
Competitive advantage
Companies with science-based reduction targets outperform their peers by 5.6% in terms of shareholder returns.
Source: CDP

Calculate your emissions in line with the latest scientific standards to ensure greater accuracy

Simplify data collection across all your teams and suppliers
Calculate your emissions following the latest scientific standards for greater accuracy
Deepen the analysis of your data with customisable dashboards and charts

Drive decarbonisation with the power of science

Set science-based targets to reduce your emissions
Leverage tailored actions for an effective decarbonisation plan
Forecast future emissions and cost risks to stay on track

Receive support for every stage of your CSRD journey

Manage all your emissions for your E1 disclosures
Benefit from personalised services such as conducting a gap analysis and reporting readiness assessment
Grow your expertise through digital or personal learning opportunities

Key information on carbon accounting software for luxury fashion brands

Why should luxury fashion brands do carbon accounting?

Luxury fashion brands should engage in carbon accounting to demonstrate accountability for environmental impact and maintain their prestige amidst growing sustainability expectations.

Firstly, carbon accounting allows luxury fashion brands to measure and reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, aligning their operations with global sustainability goals. This is crucial as these brands often operate extensive, complex supply chains that can contribute significantly to carbon footprints. By understanding and managing these emissions, luxury fashion brands can position themselves as leaders in environmental stewardship.

Secondly, consumers of luxury fashion are increasingly conscious about the environmental impact of their purchases. Implementing robust carbon accounting practices showcases a brand's commitment to sustainability, improving brand image and fostering consumer loyalty. As luxury consumers often have higher expectations for ethical and sustainable practices, demonstrating such commitment can differentiate brands in a competitive market.

Lastly, luxury fashion brands are not immune to regulatory demands, which are becoming stricter worldwide concerning climate change disclosures and actions. Carbon accounting not only helps these brands comply with existing regulations but also prepares them for future legislation. Compliance reduces the risk of legal penalties and enhances reputation, crucially attracting both environmentally conscious customers and investors.

Benefits luxury fashion brands have to implement a carbon accounting software

Implementing carbon accounting software offers luxury fashion brands a structured, precise, and efficient approach to achieving sustainability goals.

Luxury fashion brands can benefit from the automation and streamlining capabilities of carbon accounting software, which significantly reduces the time and effort required to collect, process, and analyse emissions data. This automation integrates data from various operational components and supply chains, providing a holistic view of the brand's carbon footprint. By minimising manual errors and providing real-time insights, this technology empowers brands to make swift, informed decisions that align with their sustainability initiatives.

Furthermore, the software supports luxury fashion brands in ensuring regulatory compliance and reporting in alignment with global frameworks such as the GHG Protocol and ESRS. This capability not only enhances transparency and accountability but also helps these brands to avoid regulatory fines, thus safeguarding their prestigious reputations. Accurate reporting, facilitated by the software, is vital for maintaining stakeholder trust, which is particularly important in a market where consumer expectations are increasingly linked to corporate social responsibility.

Finally, the analytical and reporting tools within carbon accounting software allow luxury fashion brands to track progress towards sustainability goals, set and monitor emission reduction targets, and generate detailed reports for stakeholders. These capabilities are instrumental in refining strategic planning and decision-making, ensuring that brands not only meet but also exceed sustainability expectations. By bolstering stakeholder trust and providing a competitive advantage, carbon accounting software fortifies the brand's position in a competitive marketplace driven by eco-conscious consumers.

How does Plan A's software help luxury fashion brands do carbon accounting?

Plan A's software enables luxury fashion brands to efficiently conduct carbon accounting, allowing them to comprehensively calculate and manage their emissions and align with sustainability standards.

The platform facilitates precise emission calculations by consolidating data from diverse sources, including high-end suppliers and artisanal production units typical of luxury fashion. It adheres to the latest scientific standards, ensuring that brands accurately capture emissions data across their entire supply chain, from raw material usage to boutique energy consumption. This integrated approach supports bulk uploads and provides guided templates, ensuring that all data is consistent and precise.

Customisable dashboards and detailed emission tracking offered by Plan A's software allow luxury fashion brands to pinpoint emission hotspots within their operations, such as exclusive store locations or specific manufacturing techniques known for higher emissions. By analysing data across scopes 1, 2, and 3, brands can identify critical areas for improvement and develop strategies to minimise their carbon footprint. This aligns with the brand’s commitment to excellence and innovation, allowing them to maintain their luxury status while embracing environmental responsibility.

Plan A also aids luxury fashion brands in setting science-based decarbonisation targets that comply with stringent environmental regulations. By forecasting emissions and cost risks, the software provides actionable insights and tailored actions that not only ensure compliance but also enhance competitiveness by demonstrating a commitment to sustainability. This strategic alignment with environmental goals supports these brands in their pursuit of a net-zero future, safeguarding their reputation and ensuring they meet the evolving demands of eco-conscious consumers.

How does carbon accounting software help luxury fashion brands reduce emissions?

Carbon accounting software empowers luxury fashion brands to systematically reduce their carbon emissions by offering precise insights, facilitating target-specific actions, and promoting continual monitoring and improvements.

Luxury fashion brands benefit from detailed carbon footprint analysis provided by carbon accounting software, which accurately measures emissions from a wide array of organisational sources. This analysis offers a comprehensive understanding of their carbon footprint, pinpointing major emission sources throughout their operations and supply chain. With this data, brands can efficiently prioritise areas for reduction efforts and allocate resources more effectively, aligning with their sustainability visions.

To facilitate targeted actions, the software employs advanced analytics and scenario-modelling tools crucial for luxury brands aiming for high-impact sustainability initiatives. By assessing the potential impacts of various reduction strategies, such as enhancing energy efficiency or integrating renewable energy, brands can devise cost-effective solutions with minimal disruption to their high-value production processes. These features allow brands to not only set ambitious emission reduction targets but to continually track progress and ensure they are met, enhancing their reputation as industry leaders in sustainable practices.

In ensuring continuous monitoring and improvement, carbon accounting software supports luxury fashion brands by providing real-time data and automated reporting capabilities. This not only helps in tracking emissions performance over time but also quickly identifies any deviations from sustainability targets, thus maintaining regulatory compliance. By fostering a culture of ongoing accountability, the software aids these brands in achieving sustained emissions reductions, ultimately supporting their long-term sustainability goals and enhancing their brand value in a market increasingly driven by environmental consciousness.

A certified platform combining cutting-edge technology and the latest scientific standards

GHG Protocol compliant & TÜV Rheinland certified
Listed as Global top 5% in B Corp "Governance"
Committed to Science-based targets and The Climate Pledge
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