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Carbon accounting software for marketing agencies

Plan A provides a certified carbon accounting software for the business services industry and the personal support of leading experts to enable marketing agencies to streamline carbon management, align with regulations, and reach net-zero emissions

The opportunity

Gain a competitive advantage through decarbonisation

Higher return
Companies that disclose environmental data and pursue ambitious emissions reduction targets have a 67% higher ROI on investment.
Source: CDP
Investor pressure
Majority of investors say they will increase their investments in companies that prioritise sustainability over the next five years.
Source: McKinsey
Competitive advantage
Companies with science-based reduction targets outperform their peers by 5.6% in terms of shareholder returns.
Source: CDP

Calculate your emissions in line with the latest scientific standards to ensure greater accuracy

Simplify data collection across all your teams and suppliers
Calculate your emissions following the latest scientific standards for greater accuracy
Deepen the analysis of your data with customisable dashboards and charts

Drive decarbonisation with the power of science

Set science-based targets to reduce your emissions
Leverage tailored actions for an effective decarbonisation plan
Forecast future emissions and cost risks to stay on track

Receive support for every stage of your CSRD journey

Manage all your emissions for your E1 disclosures
Benefit from personalised services such as conducting a gap analysis and reporting readiness assessment
Grow your expertise through digital or personal learning opportunities

Key information on carbon accounting software for marketing agencies

Why should marketing agencies do carbon accounting?

Marketing agencies should engage in carbon accounting to responsibly manage their carbon footprint, enhance their reputation, and meet evolving regulatory requirements.

Firstly, by undertaking carbon accounting, marketing agencies can gain a full understanding of their greenhouse gas emissions and identify key areas where they can reduce their environmental impact. This process not only aligns with global sustainability goals but also enables agencies to set and achieve specific carbon reduction targets, reflecting their commitment to environmental responsibility. Additionally, by identifying inefficiencies, agencies can also discover new opportunities for cost savings through reduced energy consumption.

Secondly, adherence to carbon accounting enhances an agency's compliance with existing and forthcoming environmental regulations that are increasingly becoming mandatory in many regions. Being proactive about carbon management positions marketing agencies to avoid potential legal penalties and operational disruptions while ensuring they meet the demands of standards like the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). Moreover, maintaining compliance can significantly elevate an agency’s reputation, making it more appealing to clients and stakeholders who prioritise sustainability.

Lastly, transparent carbon accounting helps build credibility and trust among stakeholders, such as investors and clients, enhancing the agency’s market differentiation. As consumer and client preferences shift towards sustainable practices, marketing agencies that are open about their carbon footprint and actively work towards reducing it will likely enjoy improved brand image and customer loyalty. Furthermore, engaging in carbon accounting prepares agencies for future regulations and supports long-term sustainable growth in a rapidly evolving marketplace.

Benefits marketing agencies have to implement a carbon accounting software

Implementing a carbon accounting software provides marketing agencies with enhanced operational efficiency, accurate sustainability reporting, and a significant boost in stakeholder trust.

Marketing agencies can benefit from automating the cumbersome process of measuring and managing carbon emissions, which is critical given their often-complex project-based operations. By integrating data across campaigns and collaborations, agencies can achieve a comprehensive assessment of their carbon footprint with minimal manual intervention. This automation not only reduces administrative burden but also allows creative teams to focus more on delivering impactful campaigns.

Accurate sustainability reporting is crucial for marketing agencies to maintain compliance with international regulations and frameworks, such as the GHG Protocol. Carbon accounting software ensures precision in emission reports, protecting agencies from potential fines and enhancing their transparency. Additionally, it enables agencies to set and monitor their emission reduction targets effectively, aligning their operations with broader sustainability goals.

Finally, the ability to generate detailed sustainability reports through such software bolsters a marketing agency’s strategic positioning and trustworthiness. By sharing clear progress on sustainability targets with clients and partners, agencies can build stronger relationships and a more resilient brand image. This transparency not only provides a competitive edge but also resonates with an increasingly eco-conscious market, helping to attract and retain business.

How does Plan A's software help marketing agencies do carbon accounting?

Plan A's software equips marketing agencies with the tools necessary to effectively measure, manage, and reduce their carbon emissions, aiding them in aligning with environmental standards and enhancing their sustainability profile.

Marketing agencies benefit from Plan A's platform through its comprehensive carbon accounting features, which include calculating emissions and identifying hotspots specific to their industry activities. By leveraging these tools, marketing agencies can set realistic and science-based reduction targets that align with regulatory requirements, ensuring they remain competitive and compliant in a market increasingly focused on sustainability.

The software simplifies data collection by allowing marketing agencies to consolidate emissions data from various campaigns, media outlets, and vendor collaborations into a secure and customisable dashboard. This ease of data integration, bolstered by its support for bulk uploads and guided templates, enhances accuracy and consistency, enabling agencies to track emissions from a wide array of sources with precision.

Moreover, Plan A's platform provides marketing agencies with insightful data analysis capabilities that help pinpoint significant emissions hotspots within their operations. By identifying these areas, marketing agencies can prioritise improvements, develop effective decarbonisation strategies, and foresee potential cost and emissions risks, positioning themselves on the path towards achieving net-zero goals while boosting their sustainability credentials.

How does carbon accounting software help marketing agencies reduce emissions?

Carbon accounting software aids marketing agencies in reducing emissions by providing detailed insights, enabling targeted actions, and facilitating ongoing monitoring and improvement.

By using carbon accounting software, marketing agencies can precisely measure and analyse emissions from various aspects of their operations, such as digital campaigns, events, and supply chains. The software identifies the major sources of carbon emissions, whether it’s the energy-intensive digital infrastructure or printing promotional materials, allowing agencies to understand their carbon footprint better. Armed with this knowledge, marketing agencies can prioritise areas for improvement, thereby allocating resources more efficiently and achieving more impactful results in reducing their emissions.

The software empowers agencies to implement targeted actions using advanced analytics and scenario modelling tools. For instance, agencies can evaluate the benefits of switching to renewable energy sources for their offices or adopting more energy-efficient servers for hosting their digital content. By simulating different scenarios, marketing agencies can devise cost-effective strategies that align closely with their sustainability objectives, such as reducing the carbon intensity of their operations or achieving specific emission reduction targets.

Moreover, carbon accounting software supports continuous monitoring and improvement, which is essential for a marketing agency’s sustainability journey. By providing real-time data and automated reporting capabilities, the software ensures that agencies can continuously track their emissions performance and promptly identify any deviations from their set targets. This ongoing monitoring fosters a culture of accountability and commitment to sustainability, helping marketing agencies remain compliant with evolving regulatory requirements and encourage long-term reductions in their overall carbon emissions.

A certified platform combining cutting-edge technology and the latest scientific standards

GHG Protocol compliant & TÜV Rheinland certified
Listed as Global top 5% in B Corp "Governance"
Committed to Science-based targets and The Climate Pledge
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