Masterclass series
Sustainable fashion

Shape the future of sustainable fashion

Join the forefront of sustainable fashion with our exclusive masterclass series dedicated to carbon management in the fashion industry.
September 3
16:00 CEST
September 12
12:00 CEST
September 19
12:00 CEST

Learn how to measure, report and reduce your brand's emissions, turning sustainability into a competitive advantage.

Three-part masterclass series on sustainable fashion

Reframing fashion supply chain decarbonisation

September 3 | 16:00 CEST
Join Iva Minkova, Collection Director at BY FAR and Lubomila Jordanova, CEO at Plan A.
Together, they will explore the innovations and new considerations in supply chain decarbonisation.

Shape the future of sustainable fashion

September 12 | 12:00 CEST
Join Plan A and Fairly Made as they guide you through setting up a carbon management strategy, including the crucial data collection process, to achieve key sustainability milestones like CCF and PCF.
We deep dive into how technology is empowering businesses to navigate the complexities of sustainability, from emissions tracking to supply chain transparency.

From fabric to footprint: Demystifying carbon accounting for fashion

September 19 | CEST
In our final session, discover how our carbon accounting experts tackle the complexities of emissions management. We’ll delve into spend-based, activity-based, and supplier-based methods, breaking down the technical nuances with practical, real-world examples. Don’t miss this chance to deepen your expertise and drive meaningful change in the fashion industry.
of global carbon emissions are estimated to be from the fashion Industry (European Parliament)
To achieve the 1.5-degree pathway in the next decade, the fashion industry must undergo a radical transformation.

Stakeholders throughout the value chain must collaborate, make bold commitments followed by concrete climate actions. Only the companies taking advantage of latest industry sustainability practices will become leading innovators and solid players in the sector.

A programme designed 
to drive business transformation

Sustainability officers

Empower your fashion brand
Elevate your brand’s sustainability strategy by implementing effective sustainability reporting and refining compliance strategies.
Acquire industry insights
Gain valuable tips and resources from industry experts to make your work more impactful and your company more sustainable..
Foster understanding
Ensure every member of your team understands their role in making sustainability a competitive advantage for your brand.

Finance leaders

Comply with regulations
Prepare to steer your fashion brand towards meeting stringent ESG performance standards.
Navigate effectively
Acquire insights and strategies to manage financial risk and increase the company's resilience by developing a finance strategy in line with ESG.
Exceed expectations
Go beyond the expectations of your brand’s board, investors, and stakeholders by proactively preparing for sustainability reporting.

Learning highlights from the masterclass

Main emission drivers
Sustainability strategy
Actionable steps
Success stories
and more...
Comprehensive understanding of carbon management using PCF and CCF methods .
The main emissions source of the fashion industry
How to start or improve your sustainability strategy
Actionable steps and technologies for decarbonising your fashion company
Real-world success stories from fashion sustainability pioneers
How to master the art of stakeholder engagement and transparent GHG reporting
+4000 professionals trained

Become a fashion sustainability leader with Plan A

“As we continue our responsibility journey, we’re learning that fully understanding our impact is key in reducing it. To be able to measure our progress towards reduction targets accurately, we realised we have to step up our carbon mapping efforts and invest in further understanding our CO2 footprint.”
Lauren Bartley
Lauren Bartley — Head of Sustainability