Free carbon footprint calculator for business

Get a serious estimate of your company’s scope 1, 2 and parts of 3 emissions. Plan A, the leading provider in the carbon management industry, built this calculator.

Input simple data points about your company

By providing essential information such as company headcount, energy usage, and business travel expenses, our calculator can estimate your company's emissions.

Get your calculation results instantly

The tool processes your inputs in real-time against emission factors, delivering immediate carbon emissions estimates.

Receive analytics and insights about your emissions

Access a detailed results page with charts highlighting your primary emission sources. Receive actionable insights to advance your net-zero journey.

Frequently asked questions about the free carbon calculator for business

What is a business carbon footprint calculator?

A business carbon footprint calculator measures a company's total greenhouse gases (GHGs), expressed as carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e).

These tools account for emissions from various activities within the company, including direct emissions from owned sources (Scope 1), indirect emissions from purchased electricity, heat, or steam (Scope 2), and all other indirect emissions in the company’s value chain (Scope 3). Businesses can use carbon accounting software to identify major emission sources and develop strategies to reduce their carbon footprint.

What are scopes 1, 2 and 3 of a company’s carbon footprint?

Scopes 1, 2, and 3 are categories that differentiate the types of greenhouse gas emissions a company is responsible for.

Scope 1 emissions are direct emissions from owned or controlled sources, like boilers, furnaces, and vehicles. Scope 2 emissions are indirect emissions from generating purchased electricity, steam, heating, and cooling. Scope 3 emissions include all other indirect emissions in the value chain, such as business travel, procurement, waste, and product use. These categories help companies understand and manage their overall carbon footprint.

How does a carbon footprint calculator work?

A carbon footprint calculator gathers data on activities and operations that produce greenhouse gas emissions. These include energy use, transportation, waste production, and other factors.

The calculator applies emission factors to these activities, converting them into equivalent CO2 emissions. This process estimates the total carbon footprint, allowing businesses to identify key emission reduction areas and track progress over time.

Why should businesses calculate their carbon emissions?

Businesses should calculate their carbon emissions to identify primary emission sources and develop targeted reduction strategies.

Understanding their carbon footprint helps set realistic sustainability goals, enhance reputation and meet consumer, investor, and regulatory demands for environmental responsibility. Additionally, it can lead to cost savings through improved efficiency and mitigate risks associated with climate change and future regulations.

What carbon management tools does Plan A provide for companies?

Plan A provides companies with a comprehensive carbon management platform that streamlines carbon accounting and regulatory reporting, allowing for efficient data collection, emissions measurement, and automated reporting processes.

This platform supports businesses in setting science-based reduction targets, planning and executing decarbonisation actions, and forecasting future emissions and cost risks. Additionally, Plan A offers personalised expert services and access to a rich community of industry experts and partners, ensuring businesses can navigate their decarbonisation journey with precision and impactful results.

Plan A has also developed this free simplified carbon calculator to enable companies to estimate their emissions quickly before using Plan A’s dedicated carbon management tool.

How does calculating a company’s carbon footprint help with decarbonisation?

Calculating a company’s carbon footprint supports decarbonisation by identifying where emissions come from and developing strategies to reduce them.

Companies can focus on significant sources, such as energy use, transportation, or supply chain activities. This process supports emissions reductions and aligns with broader climate goals of international agreements and national regulations. Continuous monitoring and reporting of emissions help companies stay accountable and make informed decisions for their decarbonisation journey.

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