Telecommunications in the sustainable transition: Meet the Giants #3 - O2 Telefonica

Telecommunications in the sustainable transition: Meet the Giants #3 - O2 Telefonica

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Discover how to put sustainability at the heart of your business.
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March 31, 2021

For decades, telecommunications played a central role in building our modern society: from increased connectivity, access to information to technological innovation.

When looking at the statistics, there are 5.22 billion unique mobile phone users in the world today, which is more than half of our global population. As telecommunications systems continue to grow, while telecom companies pledging to become more sustainable, even net-zero carbon emissions, we may wonder how to put sustainability at the forefront of business strategies?

To answer this question, Plan A hosted the third edition of the "Meet the Giants" series with 02 (Telefonica UK). We had the opportunity to hear from Will Kirkpatrick, Head of sustainability and social impact at 02, and Lubomila Jordanova, our CEO and Co-founder.

How to put sustainability at the heart of your business? Watch the video now

O2 aims to become the first major UK network to become net carbon zero by 2025. The telecommunication giant is currently one of three companies worldwide to hold the highest level Carbon Trust Standard for the supply chain. The company is also committed to reducing carbon emissions by at least 30% across its whole supply chain by 2025.

We organize great online events to give you the chance to learn more about sustainability and the corporate world.

Do not miss the opportunity to hear from our next giant Atos. Next Thursday, 29th April at 6.30 pm CET online. Please register for your e-seat before it runs out!

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