Plan A has been officially certified by the B Corp. We are joining a circle of only 40 in Germany who have passed the assessment. Among the likes of Patagonia and Innocent, The Benefit Corporation ensures that Plan A and other members meet the highest environmental, social and environmental performance standards in all transparency and accountability.
Our company holds the ambition to turn companies into sustainability leaders and support the emergence of a successful and sustainable business model. We consider our responsibility to be exemplary in all aspects of our business. Going through the assessment was a demanding process (more than 300 questions!) and helped us identify where our impact is best and where work remains.

Credit: Plan A
While we have been championing causes like climate change, corporate responsibility and biodiversity, there is so much more than we can do. We aim to reach 1 Gt of carbon emissions under management by 2025, supporting hundreds of businesses to decarbonise their activities across all verticals and industries. To our clients and partners, we say thank you for your trust and commitment to creating positive transformation. To the companies still thinking of opening the door to sustainability, we extend an invitation to take the first steps towards taking leadership in your field with us.

See what this scoring means
Credit: B Corp
What does the B Corp certification mean?
Certified B Corporations, or B Corps, are companies verified by the B Lab across environmental, social and governance dimensions. The B Corp certification is one of the few certifications that measures a company's holistic social and environmental performance in such depth. For a little over 6 months, the B Lab reviewed our company's operations and business model impact our workers, community, environment, and customers. Even after this process, few applicants receive the certification. You can explore our score on this public page on the B Corp website.
Technology, business, and positive social and environmental impact go hand in hand with the B Corp certification. This is the first milestone on our sustainability journey, with more to follow soon.
Lubomila Jordanova, CEO and Founder at Plan A
Then, an overall score was determined through a thorough analysis of the critical areas "governance", "customers", "workers", "environment" and "community". A minimum of 80 out of a possible 200 points is required for certification and must undergo a review every three years by demonstrating positive impacts on an ongoing basis. With a score of 114.5 points, Plan A ranks high among its peers, which obliges us to be exemplary in our way of conducting business.
What are the next steps?
"Being a B Corp is not a destination, but an ongoing journey".
We are preparing a new announcement to continue making our efforts in decarbonising our economy transparent and inspire others to do the same! Follow our journey here on the Academy and our Planetarium newsletter.
We also want to invite fellow climate tech and green tech startups to follow us in this adventure and join our forces for good. Business as usual is over. It is time to make the most significant environmental and social impact by decarbonising our entire economy and businesses.