Visa and Plan A partner exclusively to decarbonise businesses worldwide

Visa and Plan A partner exclusively to decarbonise businesses worldwide

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A historical partnership scaling up decarbonisation and management of financial risks.
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December 7, 2022


  • Plan A Sustainability Platform empowers businesses to self-manage their net-zero journey and reduce their absolute emissions by at least 5% annually and by up to 50% over 10 years
  • Partnership to accelerate Plan A's vision to measure and reduce 1 gigatonne of CO2e on an annual basis
  • Science-based SaaS solution enables time and cost efficient sustainable business transformation and ESG reporting
  • Charlotte Hogg, CEO of Visa Europe explains : “Plan A brings advanced sustainability services which help businesses drive their own journeys to net-zero.”

Plan A and Visa, the world leader in digital payments, today announced an exclusive long-term partnership in an effort to decisively drive the sustainable economic transformation of businesses at a global scale. Under the terms of the partnership, Visa will offer the Plan A Sustainability Platform, a leading corporate carbon accounting, decarbonisation, and ESG reporting SaaS solution, as part of its Fintech Partner Connect programme to Visa’s issuer network.

With the partnership, Visa and Plan A aim to empower companies to future-proof their businesses and stay competitive by managing their net-zero journey at scale in one end-to-end platform. The alliance is also set to accelerate Plan A's vision to measure and reduce 1 gigatonne of CO2e on an annual basis.

Alliance to decarbonise businesses and reduce their financial risk

New regulations will turn climate risk into financial risk for businesses in the coming months. The Plan A Sustainability Platform offers a secure, data-driven, and scientifically sound (certified by TÜV Rheinland) software solution for advanced data mapping and processing of Scopes 1, 2, and 3 emissions, Science Based Targets-compliant net-zero target setting and decarbonisation planning, as well as framework-proof ESG reporting. These trusted capabilities will enable businesses from Visa’s issuer network to decarbonise their operations and value chains, comply with existing and upcoming ESG regulations, and reduce their strategic risk.

Due to the high degree of automation of the holistic sustainability journey within the Plan A Sustainability Platform, deep decarbonisation and ESG reporting become highly scalable, time and cost efficient, as well as frictionless.

Words from Plan A and Visa CEOs

Lubomila Jordanova, CEO of Plan A
Lubomila Jordanova, CEO of Plan A
Credit: Plan A

Lubomila Jordanova, CEO of Plan A, adds: “Just as Visa has been pioneering digital payment services for decades, it is now also spearheading the facilitation of climate action for businesses. This is why it is an incredible honour for us to announce our exclusive partnership with them today. Our ultimate goal is to combine Visa’s strong position with global businesses with our leading sustainability software solutions to enable ever more industries and companies to truly decarbonise their operations and value chains, report on their ESG performance, and become leaders of the sustainable transformation.”

Charlotte Hogg, CEO of Visa Europe
Charlotte Hogg, CEO of Visa Europe
Credit: Visa

Charlotte Hogg, CEO of Visa Europe, explains: “Businesses need transparency about their impact in order to reduce it. As part of our Fintech Partner Connect programme, Plan A brings advanced sustainability services for merchants and financial institutions which complement and strengthen our existing offering and can help businesses drive their own journeys to net-zero.”

About the Sustainability Platform: end-to-end SaaS to cover entire net-zero journey

Plan A's team of sustainability experts enable companies to manage their financial risks and decarbonisation strategies.
Our internal team of sustainability experts enable companies to manage their financial risks and decarbonisation strategies.
Credit: Plan A

The Plan A Sustainability Platform serves as a central sustainability hub enabling businesses to manage the entire end-to-end net-zero journey in one SaaS solution. By automatically mapping all necessary data across Scopes 1, 2, and 3 and merging them with national emission factors and datasets, the software is able to create individual emissions profiles and provide granular carbon and ESG insights in dynamic dashboard overviews. Based on the indicators with the most significant reduction potential, the software empowers companies to set science-based net-zero targets and achieve them through 1,000+ decarbonisation solutions and activities, best practices, as well as a network of service providers and sustainability professionals. At the end of this holistic process, the platform produces regulation-proof ESG reporting.

The Greentech’s internal team of scientists, researchers, and experts in carbon accounting, decarbonisation, sustainability and life cycle analysis, as well as the recently appointed Scientific Advisory Board ensure that all platform-embedded calculations and decarbonisation solutions are fully aligned with internationally recognised scientific methodologies and standards. The scientific accurateness of the applied Corporate Carbon Footprint (CCF) calculation methodology is certified by TÜV Rheinland, one of the world's leading verification bodies.

Curious to know where your business stands when it comes to climate risk? Use Plan A’s free Carbon Scanner to get an initial insight into your carbon footprint today.

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